In many parts of the world, the use of cash for everyday payments has become something of an oddity, with the vast majority of consumers and merchants preferring the convenience of credit cards and electronic payment methods.
Each day, millions of consumers all around the globe make payments simply by swiping a credit card at the checkout counter.
The use of credit cards has become a ubiquitous element of the modern shopping experience, and those who prefer to scrabble through their handbags looking for loose change have become a very rare sight, especially in places like Sweden, which has ambitions to become the world’s first fully cashless society.
The rise of credit cards is justified by the fast and convenient experience they provide, with significant advantages for consumers and merchants alike.
But these benefits come at a cost that’s almost always paid for by the consumer, and although most fees are relatively low, they can add up significantly over the course of a year.
Fortunately, more consumers can take advantage of a new, lower-cost alternative with the rise of crypto payment services such as Slash Payment.
Credit cards have become so commonplace that it’s easy to forget that such a service comes at a cost.
Every time a consumer swipes their card, the merchant has to pay a processing fee, which raises the cost of doing business in such a way that everyone is negatively affected.
One thing that many consumers fail to appreciate is that credit card companies apply not one, but three separate transaction fees to merchants. In order to accept credit card payments, merchants are required to pay processing fees on each transaction, as well as interchange fees and assessment fees, and the costs of these add up to a